DIY Salt Dough Ornaments

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Hey there everybody! Today, I am going to show you how to make your own salt dough ornaments! I love to make these so much because they remind me of when I used to do this with my mom as a kid. These are super awesome gifts, ornaments for the tree, anything! Let’s get started!

But first, If you haven’t already linked up your most recent post to the Wordless Wednesday Link Party at my blog, CLICK HERE  to link up your awesome projects so I can look at them! 🙂

Okay! You will need:

2 cups all-purpose flour ($1 at Walmart)

1 cup salt ($1 at Walmart)

1 cup water

Let’s make these babies!

First, preheat the  oven to 300˚F.

Then, Mix flour and water together.

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Then add water slowly into the mixture while still mixing.

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Mix until it becomes like cookie dough. DON’T EAT IT- it tastes super salty and nasty. Just trust me on this one!

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Then, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it into the refrigerator for 10 minutes. This will firm up the dough.

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

When it is done firming, roll out your dough on a well floured surface. You want it to be about 1/4 – 1/2 inch thick.

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Take your cookie cutters and cut out whatever shape you want – I chose a star!

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

After you are done cutting them out, get something pokey, like a toothpick, or a chopstick and poke a hole at the top of the object you cut out.

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Then, lay them out onto a cookie sheet that has wax paper put down. This will make it easier to pick up. Put them into the oven for 30 minutes, checking on them to make sure they are hard, but do not turn brown.

Super Awesome Salt Dough Ornaments!

Ta-Da! These turned out awesome! You can now decorate them however you want. I used Sharpie for some of them, writing the first letter of their name and 2014. You could also use glitter glue, or anything else you can think of to decorate these! Yay! Have fun with these!

Please leave a comment below and follow my blog (in the sidebar)! Hope you all have a great day!

XOXO, Coco

11 thoughts on “DIY Salt Dough Ornaments

  1. G’day Looks great and reminds me of childhood memories!!! Thanks for sharing at our #SayGdayParty Pinned
    Please revisit (if you haven’t already); comments and shares always welcomed as well as visiting someone else at the party
    Cheers! Joanne What’s On The List?

  2. I’m totally in love with this! Super cute.Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you being a part of our party, and I hope to see you on tonight at 7 pm. We love partying with you!
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  3. Pingback: WW: A Wonderful Meet Up – We Got The Funk

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