DIY Alternative to Dryer Sheets – Dryer Ball Giveaway!

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Hey there! I have been super busy with unpacking and all that, so I haven’t been posting much… but I’m back! And, I’m here to show you how to make an alternative to dryer sheets and fabric softener!

Dryer sheets and fabric softener can be really toxic and bad for your health.

I originally got the idea from

Doterra Blog's Yarn Balls

Doterra Blog’s Yarn Balls

First, what you will need to make 3-5 balls:

1. 3 packages of 100% Wool Yarn (I found mine at Jo-Ann’s Fabric)


(This is how much was left after I made one ball)

2. Pantyhose

OK, let’s get started!

First, wrap the yarn around your middle and your index finger 10 times.


Then, slide the yard off of your fingers and wrap the yarn 10 times around the middle. It should look like this:


Then continue to wrap it the yarn around and around tightly until you have a tiny ball.


Continue to wrap it tight until it is about the size of a tennis ball.


Tie a knot (tight!). Then take a pantyhose and put a ball in one of the legs (Cut off one leg of the pant).


Then tie a knot. Add the next ball and tie a knot again. Keep going until it looks something like this:



Then, throw it into the washer with a dirty load and wash it on the hottest water setting.

When you wash the yarn, it will felt, and the will yarn shrink.

Then, after the balls are completely dry, pull them out of the stockings and Voila! You now have your DIY alternative to dryer sheets!

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This giveaway has ended

Hey! Who’s ready for a giveaway?? I know I am! You could win 2 colorful, useful dryer balls, scented with Lavender essential oils to help keep your clothes smelling great!

To enter you must do one of the following:

Like my post

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Comment where you shared it and your email (So I can email you if you are the lucky winner!)

If you win, you will be notified via email. You have 48 hours to accept, otherwise a new winner will be chosen. Only in United States.

Good luck to everyone! 🙂

Till next time, Toodles!


One thought on “DIY Alternative to Dryer Sheets – Dryer Ball Giveaway!

  1. Hello
    I had to put the panty hose and dryer balls in the dryer on hot setting a couple of times to make them “felt” — the yarn shrunk into a tight ball. Then take off the panty hose and they are ready to use.
    I put about 2-3 drops of Wild Orange on 2-3 of the dryer balls to help cut down on static.
    The balls help to separate the clothes to keep from wrinkling. Love them

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